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During this transitional period, while Fr. Steve Hohman is on sabbatical, we want to make sure that the parish knows who you can contact for all parish activities, information or emergencies. Here is a list of these contacts:

Maintenance, Grounds or Buildings - Jeff LeBahn (270) 929-0437 or Joe Rocha (270) 871-2789

School or Learning & Growth - Lesley Mills (270) 836-3722  or Jessica Smalls (813) 370-5148

Church Office, Worship Guides, or Emergencies - Sherry Kittinger (270) 871-1691 or Barb Schnapf (859) 489-0993

Bulletin, Website and Announcements –Sherry Kittinger (270) 871-1691 or Lesley Mills (270) 836-3722

Liturgical or Mass Needs - Contact Mark Missig (270) 836-5364 or Joe Rocha (270) 871-2789

We are all here to assist you in any capacity. Please just let us know, and we will help. We also continue to pray for our transition with Fr. Carl McCarthy, Fr. Steve Hohman and for all the new priests’ assignments.

August 19, 2024
Who Should Join Grace Marriage? It is common to hear couples say, “Our marriage is fine. There is nothing wrong.” This is good news, but why settle for fine? All marriages can improve as spouses learn more about one another and set time aside to learn how God wants to work in their relationship. Why Grace Marriage? Your vehicles get oil changes. Your teeth get x-rays and cleaning. What about your marriage? Grace Marriage is a check-in for your relationship! You will have one-on-one time to celebrate where things are going well and apply God’s Word to parts of your relationship, such as communication, intimacy, finances, dating, and more. What Happens at Grace Marriage? This is the great part – it is not a lecture. It is not marriage counseling or group therapy. It is not a seminar or conference. It is not a place where you will be forced to share your deepest secrets. Quite simply, it is time for you and your spouse to learn tools to build your marriage to God’s glory. When does Grace Marriage Occur? The dates for these sessions are November 16th, 2024, January 25th, 2025, and April 12th, 2025. Times are 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Where does Grace Marriage Occur? Christ the King Parish Hall 1600 Kingsway Madisonville, KY 42431 How Do We Register? Deadline for registration is September 4th, 2024. Sign up by contacting one of the contact numbers below or talk to one of them after mass. Cost of Grace Marriage? The cost of materials and food for four sessions will be $250.00 per couple. That computes to $62.50 per Day Date with your spouse. That is less than the cost of a date night. Questions? Contact:- Ryan Burden (270) 871-1032 Lyndee Burden (270) 871-6650 Michael Calhoun (270) 339-1469 Katie Calhoun (270) 339-7053
July 22, 2024
The St. Vincent de Paul store is dependent upon a team of volunteers to keep its doors open. The conference is seeking your help in the following areas: Cashier: Monday – Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm; 1st Saturday 9 - 12:00pm Interviewer for the Assistance office: Monday–Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm Answer the phone:10:00am - 2:00pm Empty the trash daily:1:30pm - 2:00pm Receive, sort, and stock donations: 8:00am - 2:00pm Additionally, the store is open on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am -12:00pm. Starting Saturday August 3, the conference will be launching a new initiative whereby those in need can receive personal care items. We need help preparing the items in bags and with distributing them. Please contact Janice Hatler, (812) 746-2311, if you have any questions or would like to help.
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