The Knights of Columbus is a lay organization founded by Father Michael J McGivney in 1882 on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Its purpose at that time was to protect Catholic families especially those where the husband had died.
Today we are a Catholic Men’s fraternity supporting the needs of the Parish, the School and Father Steve Hohman.
We also help our community by supporting agencies such as the Christian Food Bank, the Door of Hope, the Special Olympics and many more.
Our Council is looking for strong Catholic men who want to grow in their faith and give back to our Parish and Community.
We meet once a month at Knights Hall to pray, to discuss current business and to plan new projects and upcoming events. We share a meal and fellowship at the meeting.
We understand that our members may have time constraints. You choose how much time you can give.
To join, you need to be a practicing Catholic in good standing over 18 years of age.
Current projects include a recycling program for medical devices and a Baby Box installed at Madisonville Fire Station #4
For more information you can visit Knights of Columbus website at (click on button below) or call Jim Donley, Grand Knight at 270-339-7244
Upcoming projects and events
Pancake Breakfast - As a kickoff to Catholic Schools Week the Knights will be cooking and
serving pancakes after the Sunday Masses 1/26/25 in the Parish Center.
Annual Valentine Dinner – The Knights Valentine Dinner will be held after the 10:30 Mass on
Sunday 2/15/25 at Catering Creations. The cost will be $50 per couple.
We would like to welcome two new members who joined the Knights
Sebastian Jimenez Jr. and Gus Perez.
For more information about the Knights of Columbus,
please click the button below.
Join the Knights of Columbus,
please click button below.